So back in October 2014 I wrote a post about Managing Web Complexity. In that post I discussed web abstractions that allow you to write in a solid engineering language such as Java and take care of generating all the "web stuff". The main tools that I am familiar with that do this are GWT and Vaadin.
For years I have been on the side of the fence solidly FOR server side web abstractions. My main line of reasoning was something along the lines that "the web is too finicky & complex for large enterprise web applications, and JavaScript stinks". Over the last half year or so, I have changed course quite a bit. I have began a journey where I am learning the fundamental building blocks of the web. I've studied CSS and lately have been doing courses on JavaScript. Yes, you read that correctly, JavaScript. I've even dabbled with node.js (oh the thought!!). Believe me, node.js is not for the large enterprise app but it sure is a nice way to learn JavaScript. As an aside, I think node.js could work well in a microservices environment for certain kinds of microservice applications. If what you need is super fast responses with small data payloads, then it would be a good candidate. But, building a large monolith app with node.js? No way, that would not end well!
One of the big triggers for this change of course was learning about EXT.JS. While I had seen the name around before, I never took a good look at it. Turns out, it does quite a good job at managing web complexity cause all you do is write JavaScript, you don't have to deal with HTML & browser idiosyncrasies. EXT is really the jQuery of the enterprise. It's been around a long time, it's stable & mature, and it's not going away. These other JavaScript frameworks like Angular or React may just fade after a few years. Plus they just don't have the out-of-the-box UI toolkit that is needed for large enterprise web applications.
Another angle is separation of concerns. I think any UI needs to be completely separate from the server side & be completely back end implementation agnostic. In a world of many possible clients (Desktop web, mobile, integration clients, etc), this forces a good communication architecture with the back end.
With these server side frameworks, you are completely tied to the back end. In the case of Vaadin it's even worse because by default, any client side action has to go back to the server to do even the most simple UI interaction. That's bad.
By having server side agnostic clients, you could literally rewrite the back end if needed. Even though that would be a huge undertaking for any decent size application, it's totally doable, and probably easier than rewriting both the UI & back end at the same time. Easier because you have the front end "contract" and you just need to reimplement that "contract". It could also be a very necessary thing in this day and age with domains getting larger & the sheer size of data increasing rapidly. It's very possible that more & more relational database applications will need migrated to better storage systems.
So is JavaScript an awesome language? Not really, but once you get used to it, it's tolerable. As long as you are working with a framework such as EXT or jQuery, it's much better. It's easy to rat on JavaScript, but in reality it has won, so we should just stop trying to avoid it with these "compile to JavaScript frameworks". Cheers to the web!
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